Dating Outside the Box helps you immediately take online dating offline. By using video profiles in addition to pictures, potential daters are able to know more about a person in 30 seconds rather than hours of chatting. DOTB helps you find people now in your area to have coffee, drinks, or dinner with.
**Just Dates**
DOTB allows you to search for a potential dates in your area. View a video profile. And, instantly ask the person out without endlessly chatting back and forth.
**Keep it Real. See a Video**
Pictures are old. Videos are not. Video profiles help you see the full personality of a person before you invest time in meeting them.
After all, 93% of communication is non-verbal. Watch and you will see the difference.
**Ask or Be Asked**
Ask someone out to your favorite place or be asked out to your favorite place. DOTB allows for people to instantly meet up at the best time.